
Repositories for Templater platform – Maven, Ivy, Grape, Gradle, Buildr and SBT flavors.


<dependency org="hr.ngs.templater" name="templater" rev="8.0.0"/>
Grab(group='hr.ngs.templater', module='templater', version='8.0.0')
dependencies {
  compile 'hr.ngs.templater:templater:8.0.0'
libraryDependencies += "hr.ngs.templater" %% "templater" % "8.0.0"
Templater is regularly published against Scala versions: and 2.13.

If you are building a Java project using SBT then you should use the Java version of the Templater library, available through the following snippet:

// note that there is only one % for Java
libraryDependencies += "hr.ngs.templater" % "templater" % "8.0.0"